JM6 A level Results

The Year 13 students at John Masefield Sixth Form (JM6) received another year of tremendous A Level results with an overall pass rate of 97.5 % and an impressive 67% of all A Level grades being at the higher A* to B grades.

Notable results include:

Tom Hill   A*A*A*A*

Jamie Graham A*A*A*A*

Izzy French   A*A*A*

Sam Palmer  A*A A A A

Alex Allcock   A*A A A + A* Extended Project

Rebecca Carney A*A*A

Morgan Selby    A*A A A

Kate Hathaway A*A A

Bruno Recordon A A A

Once again the vast majority of students at JM6 will go on to their first choice university to read a range of courses including: Earth Sciences at Oxford, Medicine at Southampton, English Language at Birmingham, Physics at Exeter, Modern Languages at Birmingham, Mechanical Engineering at Swansea & Nursing at Liverpool.

An increased number of JM6 students have also secured excellent apprenticeships including many in Accountancy and Early Years Education.

Students achieved impressively high grades across a wide range of subjects including:

Maths 75% at grade B or higher and 50% at grades A* to A

English 86% at grade B or higher and 43% at grades A* to A

Psychology 56% at grade B or higher and 44% at grades A* to A

French 100% grade B or higher and 67% at grade  A* to A

German 100% at grade B or higher and 83% at grade A* to A

Chemistry 64% at grade B or higher and 55% at grade A*to A

PE 100% grade B or higher and 20% at grade A* to A

Geography 83% at grade B or higher and 33% at grade A* to A

Health & Social Care 57% at grades Distinction * to Distinction


Mark Hawksworth, Head of Sixth Form said, “We are extremely proud of the ongoing success of our students and Sixth Form. Through the resolve, hard work and focus of our students, and the excellent teaching and dedication from John Masefield teachers, our young people have once again secured some amazing results and look set to have superb futures. We continue to deliver on our JM6 motto of ‘Supporting Great Futures’.

It is still not too late to apply for a place at John Masefield Sixth Form to study from this September. Enquiries should be emailed to Mr Mark Hawksworth, Head of Sixth Form, at .  John Masefield Sixth Form Open Evening for the September 2023 intake is on Tuesday 11th October 2022.

Published on 18th August 2022