JM6 Transition programme

Making the step up to Sixth Form couldn’t be easier than at JM6

It’s going to be different from what you’re used to, with more challenging work, greater freedom and increased responsibility. 

That is why we provide students with a dedicated transition programme, so that their Sixth Form journey is supported both academically and personally.

To ensure you thrive and achieve your potential, you can expect:

  • A taster day and futures interviews, to ensure you are applying for suitable courses to maximise your success
  • An Induction Day in July where you can meet your peers and subject teachers whilst learning a bit more about your chosen courses
  • Summer transition work to lay the foundations for A Level and BTEC study
  • Enrolment support on GCSE results day and on enrolment day
  • A dedicated day at the start of term which is Year 7 and sixth form only
  • Access to a dedicated Learning Mentor and pastoral support from the Sixth Form Leadership Team
  • A thorough study skills program to kick start Year 12 and beyond

Year 10 – Next Steps Day

Year 10 start thinking about their next steps fairly early on and each year we like to hold a Next Steps Day in June to help them to start focussing the mind. We’d love them to come to John Masefield’s Sixth Form of course. See what we have planned for June 2024 – Y10 Next Steps Taster Day

All Year 10 students will have a choice what they do on the day and this changes each year.

JM6 Transition day 

The JM6 Transition day for Year 11 students is held in the summer term, the programme gives the Year 11 students an excellent start to bridging the considerable gap between GCSE work and the far more demanding A Level and Level 3 work.

The programme is aimed at consolidating existing and acquiring new core skills and knowledge required in each of the student’s chosen Sixth Form subjects. It is also an opportunity for students who are still unsure about subject choices to spend a little more time sampling subjects they are considering to aid their final choice.

The day is also an opportunity to socialise with the new year group and take part in team building activities.


Year 11 Taster Day

Taster day for Year 11 students usually occurs in October of Year 11. It is the opportunity to sample a series of A level and vocational Level 3 lessons.  The day is designed to enable Year 11’s to experience a different style of work and participation in small groups of committed students, which is a feature of learning at Sixth Form level.

Students will be members of the Sixth Form for the day, and outside of lesson times are free to use and explore the Sixth Form facilities and communal areas, such as the kitchen, study room and common room with a pool table.

Students who are interested in A level or BTEC courses should attend this day. This is not in any way a commitment either to final choices of subjects or returning to the Sixth Form at JM6, but does provide a great example of the JM6 experience and studying post-16.  Subjects are grouped specifically for Taster Day and will not be in these blocks in September.

Live lessons and a full taster day ensures a really fastpaced comprehensive insight into 6th Form life!



Futures Interviews

All students receive two futures interviews in Year 11 with senior staff to help them consider their options and pathway forward. The first is following taster day in October and the second following their Mock results in March. Both are used to guide students towards the most appropriate subjects for them to study at sixth form.