External exam information can be found here



Under normal circumstances no external AS examinations will be taken at the end of Y12; instead challenging internal mock exams will occur in each subject in the summer term of year 12. This will give students an accurate assessment of the level they are working at and will be used by staff when predicting grades and writing university and apprenticeship references.


Year 13 students will have their mock exams in February of Year 13. Their Final external exams will take place from Mid-May to the end of June in Year 13.

For exam information, please check our website www.jmhs.hereford.sch.uk or contact the Examinations Officer.

Coursework, Including Vocational Subjects

Coursework deadlines in A Level and vocational subjects occur before the summer external exams in year 13. Students should ensure they know and meet the deadlines. Failure to meet coursework deadlines could result in failure in that subject.