The government advises that school and college performance data for the 2022/2023 academic year should be used with caution:

  • In 2022/23, qualifications returned to pre-pandemic standards. Performance measures that are based on qualification results will reflect this, and cannot be directly compared to measures from 2021/2022.
  • There are ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, which affected individual schools, colleges and pupils differently.
Below are resources relating to how well the school is performing:

View the most recent OFSTED report:  John Masefield High School OFSTED Inspection November 2022

The JMHS OFSTED page can be viewed here

The Department for Education (DfE) performance data for the school can be viewed here

Key Stage 5 Performance data (16-18 studies)

These are the results for students at this school who were at the end of their 16 to 18 phase of education.

Academic qualifications, include A levels but also other ‘level 3’ academic qualifications
Value added score:   not available
Average point score for Academic qualifications (A level/Level 3) entry:   34.0
Average point for Academic qualification (A level/Level 3) entry expressed as a grade:   C+
Retention – % of students retained for a second year in their main student programme:    not currently available

Applied general qualifications (these provide broad study of a vocational area)
Value added score:   not available
Average point score for Applied General qualifications entry:   33.6
Average point for Academic qualification (A level/Level 3) entry expressed as a grade:   Distinction
Retention – % of students retained for a second year in their main student programme:    not currently available

Tech levels (level 3 qualifications for students wishing to develop the specialist skills and knowledge for a technical occupation or industry.)
Completion and attainment score:  not available
Average point score for Tech levels entry:   41.6
Average point for Academic qualification (A level/Level 3) entry expressed as a grade:   Distinction +
Retention – % of students retained for a second year in their main student programme (number of students enrolled):    not currently available

Average progress made in GCSE English and GCSE Maths resits:   Not currently available

Students progressing to education or employment (2017 leavers):   91%
Students progressing to education or employment (2018 leavers):   n/a
Students progressing to education or employment (2019 leavers):   85%
Students progressing to education or employment (2020 leavers):   91%
Students progressing to education or employment (2021 leavers):   89%*

This data covers students who left 16 to 18 study in 2020/21 and follows their destinations in 2021/22. The following should be considered when using this data:
– The make up of the cohort has changed this year compared to previous years. This change has particularly impacted students in state-funded mainstream colleges, who are more likely to spend more than two years in the same college. Caution should therefore be taken when comparing 16 to 18 destination measures between schools and colleges.
– There was also no checking exercise for this cohort of students.
– There are ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, which affected individual schools, colleges and pupils differently.

Exam Results

Summer 2023 

For news on our Summer 2023 A-Level results please click here

For news on our Summer 2023 GCSE results please click here

Summer 2022

For news on our Summer 2022 A-Level results please click here

For news on our Summer 2022 GCSE results please click here

Summer 2019

For news on our Summer 2019 A-Level results please click here

For news on our Summer 2019 GCSE results please click here  here

Summer 2018

For news on our Summer 2018 A-Level results please click here

For news on our Summer 2018 GCSE results please click here