JM6 Y11 Transition Days


A fantastic group of Y11 Students, returning to JM6 in September, spent Tuesday and Wednesday experiencing a variety of subject masterclasses to support their transition into life as a Sixth Form student. We are very excited about the quality of students continuing their education with us and all students threw themselves into the challenges of the two days.

The days were aimed at enthusing and preparing students for the rigors of A Level study. The students enjoyed being immersed into their chosen subjects, in maths, they looked at quadratic functions, chemistry explored the iron content of dried thyme and art explored the ‘beauty in the broken’ creating pencil works from their own found compositions. The biologists completed a multitude of practical tests looking at the properties of water, the French lesson discovered modern French music and how trends change, while in German, students experienced a cultural burst, discussing stereotypes and clichés of the culture. The taste of psychology really was a taste! Using lemons, students conducted an experiment exploring the correlation between personality and saliva production. Students were also able to sample a range of some of the activities we offer as part of our enrichment programme including, recreational sport, STEM Club, performing arts and learning sign language. During tutor time, heads of year spoke about the wide range of initiatives, including Learning Support Assistants and how the Y11s could get involved from September. They also outlined the support available to our new sixth formers and support for developing good study habits and a balanced life as an effective student.

The Y11s thoroughly submersed themselves into all aspects of the transition days, and we look forward to welcoming them as our new Y12s in September.


Published on 14th July 2022