JMHS students achieve strong results at GCSE
For the 2023 GCSE exams in England, the Department for Education decided that marking would be much harsher than for the past three years, therefore reducing considerably the number of students achieving higher grades and the top grades.
JMHS students in Year 11 worked hard throughout their GCSE course and achieved consistently good results. The pass rate was 99%. The percentage of students achieving grade 4 and higher, and grade 5 and higher were above those achieved in 2019, the final year before the pandemic. Highlights include:
- In each of English, mathematics and science three quarters of entries resulted in grade four or better, and at least half of all entries were grade five or above.
- In each of biology, chemistry, physics, computer science, food and nutrition, German, history and music over a quarter of students achieved grades 7, 8 or 9. In many of these subjects all or nearly all students achieved grade 4 or higher.
Andy Evans, Headteacher, congratulated students, ‘Year 11 students have worked hard and improved their knowledge and understanding during their GCSE studies. They have achieved strong results and have the potential to achieve considerable success in JMHS Sixth Form, or their chosen college or apprenticeship. I would like to wish every student all the very best.’