Enrichment Programme

At John Masefield, we know how important it is to develop students’ experience of the world, cultural capital, character and sense of adventure. For this reason, John Masefield follow an enrichment programme that supports and develops their character in line with our expectations of students, which is to aspire to be the best we can be. In order to empower them to become happy and successful in life, education and employment.

If your young person would like to take part in any of these free and exciting opportunities during Summer Half Term 2, then please sign up your child via MCAS. You will be able to sign your child up to a club and activity from 3pm on Monday 3 June 2024.

After school activities and clubs will require students to meet the club coordinator at their enrichment point in the Bus Park, where they will be collected by a staff member and escorted to the location their club will be held. The enrichment points are at the back of the bus park.

Furthermore, if your child would like to participate in a sports club then they should bring their PE kit to school, where they will have the opportunity to change.

In the event a club or activity is cancelled, a message will be sent to parents and carers via BromCom and students will be informed at the earliest convenience. If students are unable to travel home, then we ask students to head straight to Student Services where contact will be made with their parent / carer. If contact is unable to be made, Homework Club will host students until they are able to access their transport.

All extra-curricular clubs and activities will end at 4.25pm, and we ask that parents and carers arrange transport home with their child. In the event that you are unable to collect your child, or that you need to change the travel arrangements, we ask that you ring reception as soon as possible to inform them of this.

We do take a register of all students who attend, however, we do not have the capacity to inform you of whether or not your child has attended the club or activity. However, if you would like to check if your child is in attendance at a specific club or activity, you may ring reception on 01531 631012.

Mrs Hayley Newnes-Ward
Head of Year 7, Enrichment Coordinator and Pupil Premium Coordinator

Summer Half Term 2 Enrichment Programme

Guidance for how to book clubs in MCAS

Link to MCAS booking system