Official Opening of the Don Rule Bistro

The newly designed and refurbished food technology room was officially opened by Clive Richards OBE on Monday 16th October 2017. The opening event was well attended and guests enjoyed a delicious range of freshly cooked food prepared by the catering students.

The new food room has been named ‘The Don Rule Bistro’ in honour of former county councillor Don Rule. Mr Rule was deservedly awarded the MBE for outstanding military service as a Wing Commander in the RAF and upon retiring from the RAF dedicated his time to serving his new community in Ledbury, the Malvern Hills and Herefordshire. Mr Rule’s contributions to our community include his work with the British Legion, Ledbury Swifts, Malvern District Council and Herefordshire Council.  As Cabinet member for Education Mr Rule was outstanding, demonstrating support for every young person and every school in the county.  It was Mr Rule who first approached the Clive and Sylvia Richards Charity for help in supporting and improving schools across Herefordshire.

The Don Rule Bistro has replaced an outdated and unfit for purpose food technology room, which was made possible by the generosity and support from the Clive and Sylvia Richards Charity. Clive Richards and the Trustees were supportive from the start, seeing the value of the project, providing the school with helpful advice and encouraging us to apply for a grant.  Section 106 funding, FJMHS and other supporters made donations to support Clive and Sylvia’s generosity.

Food technology is a popular and one of our most successful option subjects. The Don Rule Bistro will make a tremendous difference to the education and enjoyment of learning for young people in Ledbury over the next twenty years.

Photo courtesy of the Ledbury Reporter



Published on 17th October 2017