During the week of half term 9 Sixth Form students and 2 Y11 students did the return leg of the French Exchange to Bayeux in Normandy. This is also where our Y7 and some Y8 students have penfriends so we delivered the next bag of post! The French exchange is a huge personal as well as linguistic challenge and the students rose to the challenge superbly. As well as being immersed in French family life, they spent 2 mornings in a French Sixth form, had a group trip to Honfleur with lunch in a crêperie, walked by the beach in Deauville, went bowling on Saturday evening, attended a welcome drink hosted by the Mayor of Bayeux and saw a fab new film without subtitles!
- Classtime, French style
- Say “Fromage”
- Les Anglais
- Honfleur
- Creperie
- on the boardwalk
- Culture time
“Bravo” to all of the students for being brave enough to take on the challenge and for making the most of the experience!