Our Sixth Form Open evening is on 24th September 2024, 6.00pm-8.30pm

The format will be:

  • Registration is from 5.50pm at the Theatre (at the Mabels Furlong Entrance – students will be on hand to help)
  • Students, parents and carers will be seated in the Theatre for the presentation at 6.00pm with general information and welcome from our Headteacher, the Head of Sixth Form, Mrs. Laidler and JM6 Head Students.
  • From 6.30pm the Subject Market Hall begins in our bespoke 6th Form building. Parents, carers and students will have ample time to discuss and discover subject content with teachers.
  • The JM6 open evening ends at 8.30pm

Any questions or queries, please direct to Mrs. Hunt, Sixth Form Study Supervisor. email: anna.hunt@jmhs.hereford.sch.uk Phone: 01531 631012 ext. 373