Summer Showcase Success

DT Summer showcase July 2016On Thursday the 7th of July the Technology and Enterprise Faculty held its annual creative Showcase. The exhibition contained work from all year groups in both Design Technology and Art. This was a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the positive attitude and high standard of work of students across the faculty. Original practical and creative design work from the DT department was complimented by visually stunning art work reflecting a wide range of media and techniques. It was great to have an opportunity for members of the public and wider school community to share in the successes of students and see the pride and sense of achievement students gain from creative subjects. Year 9 catering students acted as hosts for the evening, providing well received high quality refreshments from a menu they had prepared and made themselves.


Summer concert July 2016After the exhibitions parents took their seats on the patio for an outdoor summer concert; luckily the rain held off and the sun shone! The audience were treated to captivating performances by the Orchestra, Junior Choir, Chamber Choir, Woodwind Ensemble, Jazz Band, String Ensemble as well as smaller chamber items and a few solos, playing an exciting variety of music from Film Music to The Firebird to Pop Music. All pupils have been working extremely hard to prepare for the event, and performed to a very high standard, clearly enjoying the occasion.

Published on 8th July 2016