Y13 students achieve another year of strong results, August 2019

Year 13 students have received another year of strong A Level results. 76% of all grades were at A* to C with a 99.5% pass rate.

On the back of these results the vast majority of students will go on to their first choice university and can be extremely proud of how well they have achieved. A Level subject highlights include:

Mathematics 59% A*to A grades
Geography 55% A* to A grades
French 75% A* to B
Accounting 50% A* to B

Vocational subjects were also strong with Health & Social Care and Business Studies both achieving 60% Distinction* to Distinction.

Amongst the very happy students were:

Daniel Disney A*A*A*A B
Hazel Dudley A*A*A*A
Amy Hill A*A*A A
Jess Leigh A*A*A
Lauren Mealins A A A
Eve Crowley A A A

We are very proud of the ongoing success of our students and Sixth Form. Another year of hard work and focus from our students and excellent teaching and dedication from John Masefield teachers has ensured some fantastic results and supported our students going on to superb futures.

It is still not too late to apply for a place at John Masefield Sixth Form to study from this September. Enquiries should be emailed to Mr Mark Hawksworth, Head of Sixth Form, at mark.hawksworth@jmhs.hereford.sch.uk

John Masefield Sixth Form Open Evening for September 2020 intake is on Thursday 17th of October 2019.


Published on 15th August 2019