Friday 23 September (Effectively Thursday Night) – Mon 26 September


Astons Coaches

Outward journey by Eurotunnel – Folkestone – Calais

Return journey by Eurotunnel– Calais– Folkestone

Contact numbers

Mrs Knight (Party Leader):                 07791 052637

Astons Coaches:                                 01905 820 201 / 07860 693712

Eurotunnel:                                         08702 430 401

FIAP Jean Monnet Paris:                     00 33 1 43 13 17 17

  • FIAP Jean Monnet,  on the Left Bank in Central Paris
  • Most rooms accommodate 4 – 6 students and all are en suite
  • Continental breakfast
  • Evening meals included
  • Students also need some cash; approximately 40€ to buy lunches in Paris and perhaps on the return journey £10 for snacks on the journey in the UK.  You may wish to provide a packed breakfast and lunch for the outward journey although we will stop at a service station just outside Dover early morning.

Mrs Knight (Party Leader) /Miss Trezeux/Mr Bateman / Mr. Henderson

Key items to take: 

One medium sized suitcase/bag

A backpack / Handbag (large enough for phone, camera, packed lunch etc)

A pen, notepad and wallet to store documents

Comfortable shoes and trainers

Toiletries (may need sun cream – ever hopeful!)

A waterproof jacket

A torch

Phone, charger and adapter plug (check network and charges)


Pillow / cushion / blanket for the journey

NB Any valuable items are your responsibility.

Follow up work

Students will write an account of their visit on their return and hopefully be able to use this as part of their speaking assessment therefore it would be really useful to keep a diary in French and add photos, leaflets, tickets, etc.

There will be a photo competition judged by Mr. Bateman and I will create a display on our return so would be grateful for any really good photos to share!

Code of conduct
  • No smoking/alcohol/purchase of fireworks/shoplifting!
  • Stay in your own room after lights out (unless you need to see a member of staff and then you should phone or make sure that you go with at least one other person)
  • Keep your room tidy to avoid losing things and to be considerate of others.
  • During free time in Paris stay within the designated area, behave sensibly, take your bearings and make a note if necessary.  Never go off on your own and always have access to the emergency contact card.
  • Eat and dress sensibly.
  • Be respectful and inclusive towards each other.


Paris 2016 Itinerary

 Friday 23 September (VERY early morning!)

00:15 Meet at School for 00:30 departure
05:50 Check in at Eurotunnel terminal
06:50 Depart Folkestone
08.50 Arrive Calais (local time)
13:30 Anticipated arrival at FIAP Jean Monnet

Safety talk, settle into rooms, shower and unpack. Walk to Notre Dame and Ile St Louis for ice cream at Chez Berthillon

19:00 Dinner and evening at the FIAP


 Saturday 24 September

 08:30 Breakfast at the hotel
09:30 Market in La Rue Mouffetard to purchase picnic and free time to discover this quaint area called le Quartier Latin
12.15 / 1 hour River cruise on a Bateau Mouche past all the famous sites.
13.00 Picnic on the Champs de Mars looking at the Eiffel Towe
15.00 Visit to the old Jewish area of Paris called Le Marais. Central point – La Place Des Vosges. Free time shopping or optional visit to the Picasso museum.
18:00 Return to the FIAP by coach
19:00 Dinner at the hotel
20:00 ‘Paris by Night’-  Coach tour


Sunday 25 September

08:30 Breakfast at the hotel
09:30 Leave for Montmartre. Coach drop – Rue Ordener to buy a picnic lunch in the small shops. Free time to visit the area on a hill overlooking Paris

See the street artists, and street art and buy some souvenirs

13.30 Visit the Opera house
15:00 The Avenue des Champs-Elysées, Arc de Triomphe. Free time to browse the shops and optional visit up the Arc de Triomphe. Meet and walk through the Tuileries gardens to the Place de La Concorde to pick up the coach.
18:00 Coach pick up for return to hotel
19:00 Dinner at hotel

Games / French film / last taste of Paris?


Monday 26 September

08:00 Continental breakfast at hotel and prepare to leave
10:00 Depart hotel for return journey

Stop en route at hypermarket for last minute shopping and lunch.

Visit to Vimy Ridge (First World War cemetery)

18:20 Check in at Eurotunnel terminal Calais.
19:20 Depart Calais
19:00 Arrive at Eurotunnel, Folkestone  terminal (local time)


We will make a food stop on the return journey

23:30 Estimated time for return to school.  We will encourage students to

phone you if our arrival time will be significantly different.


Attendance at school is expected for lesson 3 on Tuesday. Thank you in advance for your co-operation with this.