Effective Transition from Y11 to Sixth Form – Monday 4 July – Tuesday 12 July
As you will be aware from previous communications we are running a Sixth Form Transition Programme for Y11 students in July after the GCSE exams are completed. We have found that this Programme gives the Y11 students an excellent start to bridging the considerable gap between GCSE work and the far more demanding A Level and BTEC Level 3 work.
The Programme is aimed at students consolidating their existing core skills/understanding and acquiring new knowledge required for each of their chosen Sixth Form subjects. It is also an opportunity for students who are still unsure about subject choices to spend a significant amount of time in subjects they are considering to finalise their choices.
The Programme will involve a half day of study for EACH of their chosen subjects and students will also be given some further tasks to complete independently at home.
Details of the specific subject study days are on the schedule 2016 Y11-12 Transition study days (for students) together with domestic arrangements for the study days. NB: Students who are still unsure of which subjects to take next year are encouraged to attend study days in all subjects they are considering.
It is expected that in most cases students will attend all their relevant transition sessions. However if a student cannot attend a study day because of, for example, a pre-booked holiday, then work will be saved by the teacher electronically after the lesson in the ‘Student Resources’ area: W:\Sixth Form\Subjects which students can then access remotely. Students should be familiar with how to log on remotely, but if they are unsure, please speak to Mrs Arlott. If a student has a query with any of the work, they should contact the subject teacher.
In all cases it is crucial that ONE of the attached sheets is completed and returned to me or Mrs Arlott in the Sixth Form Centre ASAP by no later than Friday 13 May so that we know how many students to cater for in each study session. The other copy is for your information.
If you have any queries regarding the Transition Programme please contact Mrs Arlott or myself on 01531 631012 ext 204/370. Alternatively email to: tracey.arlott@jmhs.hereford.sch.uk or mark.hawksworth@jmhs.hereford.sch.uk.
We wish students good luck with their forthcoming exams and look forward to working with them over the coming months.
Mr M Hawksworth – Head of Sixth Form – Assistant Headteacher