Summer 2020: Art & DT
Year 7
Art (one hour lesson a week): In the Summer Term, Year 7 will continue to explore the Artistic Elements they have covered in class (Line, shape, colour and tone). Students will work through a cultural project based on Aboriginal art applying and developing their skills and understanding to the tasks set linking to the overall theme.
Year 7 & 8
DT & Food Technology Summer Term Overview
Year 8
Art (one hour lesson a week): In the Summer Term, Year 8 will continue to explore the theme of portraits and self-representation in Art. A series of stand-alone tasks (one or two lessons each) using mainly dry media available in most homes will help build up students observational skills. They will be encouraged to explore techniques while representing facial features and the human figure.
Year 9
Art (two hours a week): In the Summer Term, Year 9 will continue to explore a range of artistic techniques to help develop their practical skills ahead of Year 10. Tasks will mainly be stand-alone or run for no more than a couple of lessons. Activities will mainly consist of using dry media which are available in most homes. Students will be able to expand and develop many of the tasks as appropriate if they have access to additional materials.
DT and Food Technology
DT and Food Technology Summer Term Overview
Year 10
Art (3 Hours a week): Students have started their Personal investigation project at the end of the spring term. This represents 60% of their overall final grade in Year 11. It is important that students continue to work through the road map provided to them in lesson and on Epraise (click here for link to road map). They should submit work regularly to their teacher via email for feedback and guidance. Students are encouraged to focus on ensuring quality of visual imagery created as the main priority as presentation and layout can be resolved on their return to school.
DT and Food Technology
DT and Food Technology Summer Term Overview
Year 12
A level Photography: Students in Photography will work through a series of short, timed, creative photography challenges. These are designed to broaden their range of techniques and skills ahead of them starting their personal investigation project later in the Summer Term.