Following our successful Open Evening earlier in the week, on Friday 20th October nearly one hundred Y11 students had a taster of life as a Sixth form student at John Masefield. After relaxing over a coffee and game of pool before the day started in the sixth form common room the students experienced a range of A Level -type lessons to help them select the subjects to study next year. In Geography they discussed the possibility of China becoming the world’s largest economy, whilst in Biology they investigated how the miraculous properties of water relate to its molecular structure. Students of English Literature analysed Dr Frankenstein’s dreams and what Freud would have made of them, whilst in Mathematical Studies the number of stones in The Great Pyramid of Giza were being estimated using maths skills. Students in the Chemistry classes experimented with the colours that were created from transition metal compounds, with German students listening to Angela Merkel’s latest podcast to gain an insight into modern day German culture, society and politics. Overall an interesting and challenging day provided much food for thought in selecting subjects for next year. Year 11 students will have an opportunity to discuss further their choice of subjects during our second round interviews starting week of November 13th.