School Development Plan
JMHS has three key aims:
- Excellent and enjoyable learning for all.
- Enabling each individual to achieve his or her personal best.
- Building a community where we all support each other.
This school development plan aims to build on current strengths and address areas of weakness. The plan covers the three year period from September 2020 until August 2023. We believe that our strategy over the next three years should be based upon the following key priorities:
- Continue to develop a coherent curriculum that helps students build knowledge incrementally through careful sequencing of learning and ensuring students can achieve mastery and apply their learning.
- Further improve and refine routines and expectations, so that students work productively in a highly supportive environment. Invest in and develop the physical environment of the school to further support our key aim of excellent and enjoyable learning for all.
- Further develop our systems for providing excellent pastoral care for all students including support for vulnerable students, those with SEND and students with behavioural challenges.
- Develop our teachers’ skills in successfully teaching the curriculum, managing challenging behaviour and motivating students to be conscientious, considerate and co-operative.
We will achieve these aims through:
- Highly effective leadership, management and governance.
- Ensuring effective financial management including careful monitoring of spending, ensuring best value and maximising funding to improve our facilities.
- Policies and procedures that treat all members of the school equitably and respectfully.
- Supporting all our students and staff with developing their knowledge and skills in a positive environment where we all enjoy working together.
JMHS School Development Plan 2023-2026