Where a student has tested positive for Covid as confirmed by PCR they are still advised to stay at home for at least 5 full days and follow guidance until they have received 2 negative lateral flow device tests on consecutive days. Again, the legal requirement for this is now removed but we would encourage parents and carers to follow this advice. Please continue to report early release LFD test results through this link Lateral Flow Test reporting form
The changes to Covid guidance for schools following the government’s plans announced in February for Living with Covid are summarised below:
- Twice weekly routine lateral flow device testing is no longer recommended and schools will not be provided with kits to distribute to students. Students should therefore not be testing routinely at home and we will no longer be asking parents to report routine LFD test results through MS Forms.
- Those students with Covid symptoms (new continuous cough; high temp; change in smell/taste) are still advised to take a PCR and isolate until the results are available. Although there is no longer a legal requirement to do this, we would strongly recommend that this advice is followed.
- Positive cases as confirmed by PCR are still advised to stay at home for at least 5 full days and follow guidance until they have received 2 negative lateral flow device tests on consecutive days. Again, the legal requirement for this is now removed but we would encourage parents and carers to follow this advice. Please continue to report early release LFD test results through this link Lateral Flow Test reporting form
- Close contacts are no longer required to self-isolate or advised to take daily lateral flow device tests, and routine contact tracing has ended.