Year 7
In the Summer Term, Year 7 will explore how writers are influenced by social context to create their stories.  They will begin by finding out about a particular social context and then look at how this is explored through a range of extracts, poetry and in the novel, ‘Smith’. 

Y7 Summer Term Curriculum Overview for English

Year 8
n the Summer Term, Y8 will look at how readers respond to ideas presented by writers.  Through a range of poetry, fictional extracts and by studying Shakespeare’s ‘The Merchant of Venice’, they will explore how different writers from around the world present cultural oppression. 

Y8 Summer Term Curriculum Overview for English

Year 9
In the Summer Term, Y9 will be studying witches over time. They will learn the concept of a ‘witch hunt’, studying this in a modern context. They will understand life in late 16th and early 17th centuries in order to appreciate why women were branded as a witch. The rest of the lessons focus on ‘The Crucible’.  Students will study events, characters and themes.  Subsequently, the idea of witches will be analysed in non-fiction and fiction extracts. 

Y9 Summer Term Curriculum Overview for English

Year 10
In the Summer Term, Y10 will explore how speakers and writers present ideas.  They will be preparing their own speeches for their GCSE Speaking and Listening assessment (this is an examined part of the course and will be graded as Pass, Merit or Distinction on students’ examination certificates).  They will look at a selection of extracts from fiction and non-fiction on the theme of the reality of war.  They will also be exploring poems from the examination board’s anthology, ‘Power and Conflict’. 

Y10 Summer Term Curriculum Overview for English

Year 12  
This summer, Y12s will be completing the coursework component of their English Literature A-Level (worth 20% of their final grade).  This is an excellent opportunity for them to think deeply about two important texts and how plan and write a comparative essay.  The process of planning, researching and writing their coursework is clearly laid out, and Y12 teachers will support all students with regular feedback.  

Y12 A level English Literature Summer Term Curriculum Overview