John Masefield Early Help Offer

Help for you and your child. Read more

School Lottery news

Win-Win for school. Read more

Friends of JMHS appeal

FJMHS needs at least 3 people to keep it in operation, could this be you? . Read more

Free fundraising for JMHS

Raise funds with easyfundraising. Read more

School Lottery new offer

Win a year's supply of Hello Fresh. Read more

Y11 Sixth Form Taster Day

Y11 students spent the day experiencing a range of A level lessons in preparation for post-16 decisions and learning.
. Read more

JM6 A level Results

JMHS Year 13 students achieve another year of tremendous results.. Read more

JM6 Y11 Transition Days

. Read more

JM6 Literature and Art Trip

On Friday 11th March, Sixth-form Literature and Art students from JM6 travelled to the beautiful city of Bath.. Read more

New School Lottery bonus

Win a Wheelie Awesome prize. Read more